Sex and the Law

In the UK the law says that it’s legal for you to consent (agree) to sex from the age of 16, regardless of gender and sexuality.
Sexual activity can be any form of sexual touching.
In the UK someone who is under 13 is not old enough to consent to sex or sexual activity. It is illegal and could be classed as rape or sexual assault.


Even if you’re under 16, you have the right to confidential contraceptive and sexual health services, including abortions.

Confidential means that clinics do not tell anyone unless they need to protect you or somebody else from a serious risk of harm.

Our FRESH confidentiality policy is:

  • You will not be contacted at home unless you agree.
  • Your GP (or family doctor) will not be informed without your permission.
  • We keep information about you so that you receive proper care and treatment but only those involved in your care will have access to your details.
  • No matter what your age, information about you will only be shared to provide the best medical care, or to protect you or others from harm. Wherever possible this will always be done with your knowledge.

You can ask the clinic staff if you have any questions or worries.


Sex without consent is against the law.

You always have the right to say no sex of any kind of sexual activity and you can change your mind.

Consent means agreeing to something and understanding what you’re agreeing too, and having the confidence to say no if you don’t want to. This can be through words or body language.(verbal and non-verbal communication)

It’s OK to say no and change your mind at any point

When it comes to sex or being intimate you should feel safe with your partner, be able to trust them and feel that they would respect you whatever your decision.

You shouldn’t be made to feel bad about saying no to sex or fear the other person’s reaction.

If your partner ever says no during sex or asks you to stop, you must stop immediately. Reading body language is important, if your partner is relaxed it is likely that they feel comfortable. If they are tense, they may be nervous or frightened and are probably trying to hide how they really feel.

If a person is drunk or under the influence of drugs, this may affect their ability to consent. This means that if any sexual contact occurs it could be classed as sexual assault or rape.

Even in marriage, or long term relationships, or if you have already had sex with that person before consent still applies.

Sex should be enjoyable and pleasurable for both people, and no one should pressure you into anything you don’t want to do.

If someone has forced or persuaded you into a sexual situation you were uncomfortable with, you don’t have to deal with it on your own.

You can call The Sexual Assault Referral Centre at St Mary’s hospital on 0161 276 6515, Childline or Survivors UK for confidential support and information.

CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation)

Child sexual exploitation is a type of sexual abuse when children and young people receive something (such as food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts, or money) in exchange for performing sexual activities.

Child sexual exploitation can occur through the use of the internet or on mobile phones. In all cases, those exploiting the child or young person have power over them because of their age, gender, intellect, physical strength and/or resources. For victims, the pain of their ordeal and fear that they will not be believed means they are too often scared to come forward.

Often young people are tricked into believing that they are in a loving/consensual relationship(grooming).


Information and advice for young people, parents and professionals is available at:

Childline 0800 1111

NSPCC 0808 800 5000


Abortion, sometimes known as termination, is a procedure to end a pregnancy. In England, Scotland and Wales Abortion is legal up to 23 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy.

A young woman under 16 can have an abortion without her parents/carers knowing. A doctor may encourage a young person to tell someone they trust, but will not force them to.

It is a decision only the woman can make. Under UK law a man has no legal right to make a woman have an abortion or prevent her from having one.

If you live in Northern Ireland, it is legal to have an abortion  up to 12 weeks of pregnancy or unless it is to save the life of the mother. (If you live in Northern Ireland you can travel to other parts of the UK for a legal and free termination)

For more information about abortion, see our useful contacts on the website or visit


In the UK the law says it is legal to look at porn as long as it does not feature anyone under 18, animals, torture or causing anyone serious harm.

You need to be 18 to buy porn videos and magazine and most porn websites state you have to be 18 to access.

It is against the law to show porn to somebody under 18 or make someone watch it.

If you are worried about your relationship with Porn please visit the link below.

Viewing pornography online (

You need to report any sexual content that involves any-one under the age of 18 – you can do this anonymously on the webpage below.

https://www.iwf.oReport online child sexual abuse images & videos |

Revenge Porn

This is when some-one shares sexually explicit videos of some-one, usually an ex partner without their consent. It is shared to try and embarrass or shame some-one, usually via social media.

Revenge Porn is a term used for people aged 18 or over.

Revenge Porn Helpline 0845 6000 459

Sexual images or videos of under 18’s are not pornography. They are images of Child Sexual Abuse and they are illegal.


In the UK the law says you can get married or enter a civil partnership at 16 with your parents’ consent (permission). If you haven’t got parental consent then you have to be 18.



Sexting is when someone sends or receives a sexually explicit text, image or video on their mobile phone or other electronic device.

Remember if you are under 18, the law sees you as a child. If you have any indecent images or videos of someone who is under 18 you would be technically in possession of an indecent image of a child-even if you are the same age. If you have shared an image that you are worried about it is important that you speak to some-one to get help and support. For more information please visit the link below. (

You can also call Child Line free on 0800 1111

If you are receiving unwanted images you need to report it to CEOP.

You need to report any sexual content that involves any-one under the age of 18 – you can do this anonymously on the webpage below.


Up skirting

What is up skirting? This is the act of taking a picture under someone’s clothing without their permission often this is to obtain sexual gratification and can be highly distressing to victims and lead to them feeling humiliated and like their privacy has been violated.

This has been punishable in the past but due to the victims concerns the law has been updated and now an act of up skirting will fall under the Voyeurism act.

If this has happened to you and you feel nervous to report it, please visit this website. Remember this behaviour is not acceptable.

Get support as a victim of crime – GOV.UK (