STIQ Day 14th January 2016

Robot looking confused.

STiQ DayA�aims to get people thinking about their sexual health and encourage people to get more regular sexual health checks.


No-one likes to think they’ve caught a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) but without a test you can’t be sure.

This year STiQ day takes place on the 14th January, a date chosen because many common STI’s such as Chlamydia can take up to 2 weeksA�to beA�show up on a test.

If you have had unprotected sex over the festive season, think about getting a test now.

With just one month to go before Valentines Day, you would enjoy it more knowing that you are infection free and not be putting someone else’s health in danger.

Regardless of how old you are, sexuality, if you’ve had one partner or 100, just one unprotected sexual encounterA�could have put you at risk of catching an STI.

Getting a test is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. Sex is a normal part of life, so sexual health checks should be too.

It’s a quick, free, simple process that will put your mind at risk and could protect your fertility.

So use STIQ day to get smart about your Sexual Health

To find out more about STI’s, visit:
